An uncomplicated Price Structure that is Free from Hidden Costs makes our Billing and Coding Services Affordable and Reliable:
We designed our price structure that concentrates on increasing our client’s revenue, not ours. We attend to all your medical claims in a manner so that there are minimal to no rejections. We are fully capable of managing multiple accounts at the same time. We post detailed payments to reduce your customer A/R.
We offer very flexible plan options and provide our customers with the choice to select the most suitable plan based on their business needs. Here are the different pricing plans that we currently offer:
General Pricing
FTE (Full Time Equivalent) Model
We charge between $4 to $65 per reading, based on the nature of the read (pre-reads or certified reads)
This model will offer you dedicated personnel working for the number of predetermined hours. The per month charges are around $1300 to $1800 for the FTE model. It makes this model suitable for long-term projects with extended work hours.
Percentage of Collections Model
Transaction Based Pricing Model
As per this pricing model, we only charge you for claims that involved us in the collection. The price is determined based on the reads and services provided.
Under this model, your price is calculated based on your transactions or the amount of work performed. It makes this model the most cost-effective, offering progress in your productivity.
Customized Pricing Model
As per this pricing model, the price is determined based on the complexity of the service. Once we investigate the client's billing requirements, we design a custom pricing plan in just one business day.
Pricing Disclaimer:
The prices quoted on our website are for representative purposes. The original prices for your services may vary depending on the terms of your contract, the complexity of your project, the skills required, and other related factors.
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- Address 525 Route 73 North STE 104 Marlton, New Jersey 08053.
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- Phone 800-845-6504